Thursday, August 29, 2013

அதர்வாவின் ‘இரும்பு குதிரை’

பரதேசி படத்தில் வித்தியாசமான வேடத்தில் அனைவரையும் ரசிக்கவைத்த அதர்வா, இப்பொழுது நடித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கும் படம் ‘இரும்பு குதிரை’. எதிர்நீச்சல் படத்தில் நடித்த பிரியா ஆனந்த் இப்படத்தில் முக்கிய கதாபாத்திரத்தில் நடிக்கிறார்.
இப்படம் தற்பொழுது பாண்டிச்சேரியில் பரபரப்பாக படமாக்கப்பட்டு வருகின்றது. யுவராஜ் போஸ் இந்தப் படத்தை இயக்கி வருகின்றார். பைக் ரேஸ் சூழலில் நல்ல பொழுதுபோக்கு அம்சத்துடன் கூடிய ஆக்‌ஷன் கலந்த படமாக இருக்கும் என்று இயக்குனர் கூறுகிறார். இப்படத்தை ஏஜிஎஸ் எண்டர்டெயின்மெண்ட் தயாரித்து வருகிறது.
அதர்வாவின் ‘முற்பொழுதும் உன் கற்பனைகள்’, ‘பரதேசி’ படங்களில் இசை அமைத்த ஜி.வி பிரகாஷ் இந்தப் படத்திலும் இசையமைக்கின்றார். ‘7ஆம் அறிவு’ படத்தில் நடித்துப் புகழ் பெற்ற ஜானி இதில் வில்லனாகத் தோன்றுகிறார்.
மேலும், இப்படத்தில் கேமராமேனாக ‘பீட்சா’ கோபி அமர்நாத் பணியாற்றுகிறார்.

ஒரே பக்கம் சாயப்போவதில்லை - நயன்தாரா!

அஜீத்துடன் ஆரம்பம் படத்திற்கு கமிட்டானபோது, காதலில் தோல்வியுற்ற கன்னியாய் எந்நேரமும் கவலை தோய்ந்த முகத்துடன் காணப்பட்டார் நயன்தாரா. ஆனால், அதையடுத்து ராஜாராணி, அனாமிகா போன்ற படங்கள் கமிட்டானதையடுத்து, சினிமாவில் கிடைத்த வரவேற்பு நயன்தாராவிற்குள்ளிருந்த காதல் காயத்திற்கு மருந்திட்டு ஆற்றியது.
அதனால், சமீபகாலமாக புது உற்சாகத்துடன் காணப்படும் நயன்தாராவின் உடம்பிலும், முகத்திலும் புதுப்பொலிவு பளிச்சிடுகிறது. அதைப்பார்த்து, இப்போது ஜெயம்ரவியுடன் ஒரு படம், கோவிசந்துடன் ஒரு படம் என மேலும் இரண்டு முன்னணி நடிகர்களின் படங்கள் அவருக்கு கிடைத்துள்ளன. அதனால் மீண்டும் கலகலப்பான நயன்தாராவாக அவர் மாறியுள்ளார்.
மேலும், இதுவரை ஆண்களை நம்பி அவர்களிடம் நெருங்கி பழகி தனது இமேஜை கெடுத்துக்கொண்ட நயன்தாரா, இனி அப்படி ஒரே பக்கம் சாயப்போவதில்லையாம். ஆண்-பெண் என இருபாலாரிடமும் சமயோசித நட்பை கடைபிடிக்கப்போகிறாராம். இதனால், முன்பெல்லாம் நயன்தாராவை சுற்றி நடிகர்கள் மட்டுமே இருந்த நிலைமாறி, இப்போது நடிகைகளும் அவர் இருக்கும் இடங்களில் கூட்டமாய் காணப்படுகிறார்கள்.

 15 கோடி சம்பளம் வாங்கும் பிரபுதேவா

ஒரு பாட்டுக்கு ஆடி, நடன நடிகராக இருந்து டான்ஸ் மாஸ்டராக உருவெடுத்தவர் பிரபுதேவா. அதையடுத்து கதாநாயகனாகவும் உயர்ந்தார். ஆனால், மார்க்கெட் டவுனானபோது திடுதிப்பென்று இயக்குனர் அஸ்திரத்தை கையிலெடுத்தார். ஆரம்பத்தில் அவரது இயக்கத்தின் மீது இங்குள்ள ஹீரோக்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கை ஏற்படவில்லை. ஆனால், தெலுங்கில் அவர் ஹிட் கொடுத்ததையடுத்து தமிழில் படம் இயக்கும் வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது.
ஆனால், ஓரிரு படங்களை இயக்கி வந்தநேரம் இந்திப்படவாய்ப்பு கிடைக்க, இப்போது அங்கே முழுநேர இயக்குனராகி விட்டார். இயக்கி வரும் படங்கள் அனைத்தும் வெற்றி பெறுவதால், அவரது இயக்கத்தில் நடிக்க மேல்தட்டு ஹீரோக்கள் முண்டியடிக்கிறார்கள். இதனால் பேசப்படும் இயக்குனராகி விட்ட பிரபுதேவாவின் சம்பளமும் இப்போது கிடுகிடுவென்று உயர்ந்து 15 கோடியை எட்டியுள்ளதாம்.
அதனால்தான் தென்னிந்திய படாதிபதிகள் அவரை படம் இயக்க அழைக்கிறபோது, படம் இயக்குவதில் ஒன்றும் ஆட்சேபனை இல்லை. ஆனால், இப்போது எனது சம்பளம் 15 கோடி. அதை உங்களால் தர முடியும் என்றால், நான் ஓ.கே என்கிறாராம். அதைக்கேட்டு ஆடிப்போகும் படாபதிபதிகள், நாம் ஹீரோ, ஹீரோயினி, டைரக்டர் ஆகிய மூன்று பேருக்கும் கொடுக்கிற மொத்த சம்பளத்தை இவர் ஒரே ஆளு கேட்டா எப்படி என்று அடுத்த நிமிடமே போனை கட் பண்ணி விடுகிறார்களாம்.

சண்டை காட்சிகளில் அஜீத் சாகசம் 

“ஆரம்பம் படத்தில், ஒவ்வொரு சண்டை காட்சிகளிலும், அதிக ரிஸ்க் எடுத்து நடித்துள்ளார் அஜீத். இதனால், பலமுறை விபத்துகளில் சிக்கினார் என்ற போதும், கடைசிவரை, டூப் நடிகரை
பயன்படுத்தாமல், துணிச்சலாக அவர் நடித்ததாக கூறுகின்றனர்.அதிலும், இப்படத்தில் ஸ்டன்ட் மாஸ்டராக பணியாற்றியுள்ள லீ விட்டேக்கர் என்ற ஹாலிவுட் மாஸ்டர், அஜீத்தை, ஒரு சாகசக்காரர் என்கிறார்.
“கோலிவுட்டில் கமலுக்கு அடுத்தபடியாக கடினமாக உழைக்க கூடிய நடிகர் அஜீத் என்றுகூறும் அவர், “ஆரம்பம் படத்தில் நடித்த போது, பல தடவை உடம்பில் காயங்கள் ஏற்பட்ட போதும், அவர் மனம் தளரவில்லை.
மீண்டும் மீண்டும் ரிஸ்க்கான ஆக்ஷன் காட்சிகளில் தில்லாக நடித்தார். அப்போது, என் கண்களுக்கு ஹாலிவுட்டின் டாம் க்ரூஸ் போன்று தெரிந்தார், அஜீத் என்கிறார் லீ விட்டேக்கர்.

அதிரடி இல்‌லை - விஜய் 

ஜில்லா படத்திற்கு பிறகு விஜய் நடிக்கும் படத்திற்கு ‘அதிரடி’ என்று பெயர் வைத்திருப்பதாக வந்துள்ள செய்தியை நடிகர் விஜய் மறுத்துள்ளார். தடைகள் பல கடந்து விஜய் நடிப்பில் சமீபத்தில் வெளிவந்த படம் ‘தலைவா’. இப்படத்தை தொடர்ந்து விஜய், நேசன் இயக்கத்தில், ‘ஜில்லா’ எனும் படத்தில் நடித்து வருகிறார்.
விஜய்யுடன் மலையாள நடிகர் மோகன்லாலும் நடித்து வருகிறார். இப்படத்தில் மதுரைக்காரராக விஜய் நடித்து வருகிறார். இந்நிலையில் இப்படத்திற்கு அடுத்து விஜய், மீண்டும் முருகதாஸ் இயக்கத்தில் ஒரு படத்தில் நடிக்க இருக்கிறார். அப்படத்திற்கு அதிரடி என்று தலைப்பு வைத்திருப்பதாக செய்திகள் வந்தன. ஆனால் இதனை விஜய் மறுத்துள்ளார்.
இது குறித்து விஜய் கூறியுள்ளதாவது, ஜில்லா படத்திற்கு பிறகு நான் முருகதாஸ் படத்தில் நடிப்பது உண்மை. ஆனால் படத்தின் தலைப்பு அதிரடி இல்லை. அது வெறும் வதந்தி தான். படத்தின் தலைப்பை இன்னும் முடிவு செய்யவில்லை என்று கூறியுள்ளார்.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ajith's film brings a big boost for Vidharth

After serving as an A.D for acclaimed director Vinayan for 14 years, Sajin Verghese is preparing for his directorial debut. His choice of hero is 'Mynaa' fame Vidharth whose career received a remarkable boost since his inclusion in the Ajith-Siva project. The producer Shigajudeen believes that the film will feature a story unlike anything the Tamil audience has experienced so far. He’s also convinced that the film will leave an unforgettable impression on the audience.
The team is currently zeroing in on a top heroine for the role of the leading lady and an able technical team is being assembled simultaneously. The cinematography is handled by Muraliraman, a former associate of ace lensman Ravivarman. The film’s dialogues are written by Ravi Varma, and he also doubles up as the Assistant Director of the project. Details of the project’s title and its first schedule are expected to be announced soon.

Vijay Anna to face Powerstar!

Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Thuppakki did reasonably well in Andhra who took to this slick action entertainer. Vijay looks to be keen to capitalize on the gains of Thuppakki as his latest film Thalaivaa is all set to speak Telugu.

The Telugu dubbed release is titled Anna – ‘Born To Lead’ and is scheduled to come on the same date as the Tamil version, August 9th. Vijay’s Anna is expected to receive a warm welcome in A.P with a strong 250+ screen release but the film is expected to face stiff competition with the release of one of the local favorites, Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Attarintiki Daredi, which will be running riot in the same weekend with a confirmed release on August 7th.

Interestingly, Pawan Kalyan and Vijay share a special connection as both actors have remade each other’s films as in the case of Thammudu which became Badri in Tamil and likewise Kushi went to Telugu under the same name. Also Vijay’s Thirupaachi and Love Today were adapted by Pawan Kalyan for his films Annavaram and Suswagatham respectively.

One year time frame for Vijay

With Thalaivaa, likely to release on the 9th of August, director Vijay will slowly start commencing work on his next film. As reported earlier, this film will be titled Saivam and will reportedly feature Baby Sarah in the lead along with Arya in a prospective special appearance. 

Vijay's regular team of G.V.Prakash and Nirav Shah will work on the film and the trio is expected to cut down on their remuneration and fully focus on making this project memorable.

We hear that the film's shoots will begin on the 9th of October and by September 2014, the film is expected to be wrapped up completely. An official announcement is expected to throw more light on Saivam.

''I cannot do a film like Thuppakki''

Known as the thinking actress, Rohini wears multiple hats in the industry. She has not only excelled in front of the camera but has also shown that she can be the master of words in films like Pachaikili Muthucharam and Maalai Pozhudhin Mayakathilae. She also lends her voice for many actresses.

After all these, Rohini will be venturing into direction as well with Appavin Meesai. This interestingly titled film will feature Nassar, Nithya Menon, Pasupathy along with the National Award winning actor Saleem Kumar.

While on the topic of the paucity of women directors in the industry, Rohini says that women can only handle films that are emotionally rich. She also adds, “I can very definitely not do a film like Thuppakki although I liked it very much”. She wonders how directors like K Balachander and Balu Mahendra did films that exactly echoed women sentiments.

Appavin Meesai also has master technical wizards like Alphonse Roy behind the camera and Resul Pookutty as the Sound Engineer.

Dhanush stuns Rajinikanth

Post Maryan, Dhanush has been the talk of the town. His performance has earned him praises from all across the industry. The recent one to applaud Dhanush is none other than his father-in-law, Superstar Rajinikanth.

A special screening session of Maryan was arranged for the Kochadaiyaan actor recently. When Behindwoods Correspondent contacted the manager of Rajinikanth, he said that Rajini was stunned by Dhanush’s performance and was all praise for the Maryan actor.

Meanwhile, Dhanush is in Switzerland shooting for a song sequence for Naiyaandi. The actor has also signed a new project with Velraj. Amala Paul will pair up opposite Dhanush in this film. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Eeram director to enter wedlock soon!

Eeram director Arivazhagan is all set enter the wedlock with Heera, who did a small role on Eeram, in September. The wedding will take place in Tirupathi. Arivazhagan is currently busy with Vallinam, which has Nakul and Shantanu in lead roles.

 Irumbu Kuthiraigal short film screening!

Short films seems to be the flavour of the season. The latest to join the list is Irumbu Kuthiraigal, directed by Dwarakh Raja (of Maalai Neram fame). Starring Karthik, Rajkumar Raja, Sathish Kumar and Pavithra Nair in lead roles, the film is all set to host a grand screening at AVM Preview Theatre in Chennai on Sunday, July 28 (3pm to 7pm). The film is produced by DADO Creations in association with Lights N' Seasons Entertainment and The Quasar Pictures.
Balaji Subramanyam is behind the lens, Sanjay has composed the music and  Ditto Shylendar, Shafee and Sriram Venkatrathinam are the ADs.

 Desingu Raja hitting screens on Independence Day!

Vimal and Bindhu Madhavi's upcoming movie Desingu Raja, is directed by Ezhil, and is produced by S. Madan's Escape Artist Motion Pictures. This flick, also starring Soori, Singampuli,Aadukalam Naren and a host of other character artistes, has music by D. Imman. The makers of this flick have announced that Desingu Raja will be released on August 15th, the Independence Day. Stay tuned for more updates!

Maan Karate gets going in full pace!

As we all know Maan Karate is a famous north Madras lingo which is used when someone is surrounded by a bunch of goons. It is actually a signal given to friends, asking them to escape from the place. And a now director Thirukumar is making a film with this title, so obviously the film has to be a full-on comedy entertainer. With Sivakarthikeyan and Hansika joing the star cast, film buffs can get ready for a treat on screen. We hear that Siva will play the role of an irresponsible youngster while Hansika will be seen as a bubbly sports enthusiast.

The first schedule of the film is already done and the team will begin their next schedule on Aug 12.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Billa 2′s villain in ‘Dhruv Natchitharam’

Sudhanshu Pandey who made his debut in Bollywood is turning south lately, his maiden debut in Tamil Cinema was with Billa 2. The movie did quite averagely, but considering it to be an Ajith movie, the piece of attention for the stars are always overwhelming and so was Sudhanshu’s.
The actor has currently been roped in to play the role of an antagonist in Dhruv Natchitharam, which also has SuriyaSimran and Parthiban. Though the hunt for the heroine is still on, the makers have roped in the villain rightfully. Sudhanshu is a good fan of Suriya from the days of his Hindi movie, and so after Billa this is the second straight film in Tamil. After playing a mafia in Billa, his character should really be poised to kill, considering Gautham’s 

Nayan Response After Simbu-Hansika Love

The gen-Y sensational couple Hansika and Simbu recently declared their love affair recently. And the grapevine was abuzz that Nayan and Arya were also going to declare their love affair too. But Nayan has come out clear with the truth. The gorgeous woman who faced rejection in love twice over, is now confident that she will not make the mistake again.
First it was Simbu and then the affair with PrabhuDheva which was the most taxing phase of her life. She went as far as converting into another religion for the sake of her love, which fell apart just before marriage. And now Nayan has confidently declared that she is not going to fall in love any more. “It is only now that I have started concentrating on my career. I am keeping myself busy with movies in Tamil and Telugu. I am not falling in love any more, it is not in my cards” said she. Nayan is currently acting in ‘Raja Rani’ and the Tamil-Telugu bilingual remake of the Bollywood flick ‘Kahaani’, titled ‘Anamika’.

Suriya-Samantha in Linguswamy’s Next

After ‘Singam 2′, Suriya was signed up by Gautam Vasudev Menon for the film ‘Dhruva Natchathiram’ which is a multi starrer. It was already buzzing that Suriya was finding it hard to choose between Linguswamy and Gautam Menon after Hari.
However, it was later decided that Gautam’s ‘Dhruva Natchathiram’ will be the first of the two deals that Suriya will be signing. While there has been enough confusing rumours about his other project, with Linguswamy, the director put an end to all that recently, confirming his next film with the actor.
Linguswamy has now confirmed that his film with Suriya will go on the floors from the 21st of August, andSamantha has been roped in for the role of heroine in the film. The story will be along the lines of romance and action, both of which suit Suriya perfectly well. So, as reported in the beginning stage of Suriya’s next project confusion, the actor will be efficiently juggling both the projects simultaneously.

Thalaiva goes to revising committee

Thalaiva is a film which has Vijay and Amala Paul in the lead roles. This film has been directed by A L Vijay.
Chandraprakash Jain has produced this film under the banner Sri Mishri Productions. Efforts are being taken to to release this film on 9th of the next month.
Yesterday the members of the Censor Board saw the film Thalaiva for certification. Since there was more violence, they had certified this film with a U/A certificate but the crew demanded U certificate.
The Censor Board members did not agree for this. They mentioned that they are willing to give U certificate if some scenes are deleted. The crew who did not agree for this has decided to send the film to the revising committee.

Final Schedule of Jilla

The team of Jilla has kick started the final schedule of the movie in Chennai with VijayKajal Aggarwal and Parota Suri joining the crew. The scenes featuring Vijay and Kajal, their first meeting and comedy scenes along with Parotta Suri are being shot. The previous schedule which had had scenes featuring Mohanlal and Vijay was wrapped up recently.
Kajal Aggarwal, who was enjoying her holiday in the US and London with her family is back in the city for the shooting.
Produced by RB Choudary under the banner Super Good Films, the lyrics for Jilla are penned by Thamarai, Yugabharathi and Madan Karky, while the music is by Imman and cinematography is by Nutty Natraj.
This movie is gearing up for a Pongal 2014 release to clash with Ajith starrer flick directed by Siruthai Siva.

 Hansika Sports Enthusiast In Maan Karate

The makers of the upcoming movie Maan Karate are gearing up to begin its shooting from the second week of August. Director Thirukumaran was excited for the movie as he feels that the movie is shaping up well. Sivakarthikeyan and Hansika will be seeing in the lead roles.
In a recent interview, the director spoke about the characters of Sivakarthikeyan and Hansika in the film. He said, “Lead role, Sivakarthikeyan will play the role of irresponsible youngster and Hansika as bubbly sports enthusiast.”

Friday, July 26, 2013

GK Media bets big on Vishal's Pattathu Yaanai

GK Media has acquired the USA theatrical distribution rights of Pattathu Yaanai (English: City Elephant),an upcoming 2013 Tamil film directed by Boopathy Pandian and produced by Michael Rayappan. The film features Santhanam (in a double role), Vishal Krishna and Aishwarya Arjun in the lead roles. The film has music composed by Thaman, and is slated for a July 26, 2013 release.

The movie is touted to be a clear entertaining comedy cracker. The film cleared the censor with a clean U certificate. It is sure to attract the family audience who would like to enjoy the comedy presence of Santhamam who does double roles in the movie. Usually when Santhanam makes an appearce in a movie, there is a thunderous applause amidst audience. Now, Santhanam is to appear in double roles and is sure to enthral fans.

GK Media is planning to release the film in all major USA locations.

Star cast: Santhanam as Poongavanam / Gouravam (Double Role)
Vishal as Saravanan
Aishwarya Arjun as Aishwarya

Ilayathalapathy Vijay to begin 2014 as a cop

The shoots of Vijay's Jilla, directed by Neason, are happening at a fast clip and over the past 3 days, the team is shooting all through the night at Mohan Studios, Chennai. Vijay, Kajal Agarwal, Soori, Vidyullekha Raman among others have been taking part in this schedule, which would be wrapped up by the end of the month. The set at Mohan Studios is being used both as a house as well as a police station, with minor modifications to the design.
Now coming to the big part, Vijay is indeed playing a cop's role in Jilla and for majority of the second half, we will be seeing Vijay as a robust and dashing cop. After Pokkiri, he will be donning the police khaki again, much to the delight of his fans. 
The Jilla team plans to move to Hyderabad next for their shoots. As of now, the team is targeting a Pongal 2014 release and fans would get to see Vijay as a cop, at the very beginning of the year.

''It's Ajith after Rajinikanth for me''

Young actor Arulnithi, is waiting for the release of Thagaraaru in which he is paired opposite Poorna. This is a Madurai based entertainer and the tall actor would be hoping to make a mark, after a sizable gap post the memorable Mouna Guru. Arulnithi also has interestingly titled films, such as Naalu Police-um Nalla Irundha Oorum and Oru Kanniyum Moonu Kalavaniyum, in hand.  
Arul has recently admitted that he is a big fan of Rajinikanth and after him, Ajith Kumar. He agrees that almost every actor is influenced by the Superstar's style and charisma. In the case of Ajith, it is his humility, simple charm and of course his handsome looks that have floored Arulnithi. 
Will Arulnithi reach the lofty heights of stardom that Rajini and Ajith have scaled? 

Suriya's August race with Shahrukh Khan and Akshay Kumar

The Hindi dubbed version of Suriya's blockbuster Singam 2, titled Main Hoon Surya Singham 2, will be released on August 2, according to an official update from Prabhu of Studio Green. The Hindi dubbed version was initially slated to release a few weeks post the Tamil version's release on July 5, but there has been an unavoidable delay. 
Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty are also planning to make a sequel to their Singham, which was the official remake of Suriya's earlier Singam. Their sequel will have a different story line.
We have to see if Suriya can make a mark as Duraisingam in Bollywood too. With monstrous biggies such as SRK's Chennai Express and Akshay Kumar's Once Upon A Time in Mumbai Dobaara, set for release in the ensuing weeks of August, the competition will be really tight for Suriya.

A galloping Singam 2 beats Thuppakki ...

Singam 2 is on a grand victory run across the world and not just in India. Malaysia is one such country where most of Suriya's movies such as Vel, Ayan, Aadhavan, Vaaranam Aayiram, Maattrraan, 7am Arivu and Singam have done roaring business. 
Ayan, Aadhavan and Singam are in fact in the Top 10 list of highest grossing Tamil 
films in Malaysia. Now Singam 2 has become the highest grossing Suriya film in Malaysia and has breached the collections of even Vijay's biggest blockbuster Thuppakki. 
Singam 2 has now collected 9.98 crores and is expected to collect even more, given the positive public reception that it has been getting. Thuppakki had collected 9.64 crores.
Now only Enthiran, Sivaji and Dasavatharam have collected more than Singam 2 with Enthiran holding the top slot, with a massive 17.54 crore gross. Sivajj had collected 15.41 crores while Dasavatharam had collected 10.45 crores. Singam 2 can be expected to breach the Dasavatharan mark pretty soon.
PS - 1 Malaysian Ringgit is worth 18.38 INR, as of today.

Chennai Theaters Analysis

We have two new releases this week in the form of Pattathu Yaanai and Sonna Puriyathu. Lets see how many screens, the two movies have managed. 
Pattathu Yaanai has been distributed by Vishal himself in the city and it has managed to get some good big screens such as Devi Paradise, Sathyam, Abirami 7 Star, Kasi, Udhayam and Kamala. In Mayajaal, the movie will be screened 9 shows while other multiplexes such as Fame, Inox, PVR and AGS will be screening 4 shows of the movie. With such a wide release, the movie has chances of collecting well if reviews are decent. 
Sonna Puriyadhu has a comparatively much lesser release and all the multiplexes have accommodated the movie in their smaller screens and that too for just 2 to 3 shows. Mayajaal will be screening 10 shows of the movie though.
Singam 2 in its 4th week, is still holding on to substantial screens in the city but on lesser number of shows. The movie is a super hit and can be expected to continue its run for a few more weeks. 
Maryan in its 2nd week, has lost out on a few shows in some of the multiplexes but is still showing in prime screens such as Devi, Sangam and Santham. It will still be the first choice movie in most of the multiplexes like AGS, PVR, Fame and Inox.

Vijay wanted to move on from ‘anna’ to ‘bro’

“Vanganna Vanakkanganna…” from Thalaivaa is surely the latest anthem for the youth. The song’s topping the charts and is played on a loop in all the radio stations.

The composer, in a recent interview revealed how his team responded for the song, when he showed them his rough track. “Everybody loved it and they applauded frantically after listening to the song,” glees the young composer.

Vijay supposedly appreciated GV Prakash personally, but the superstar had a complaint. “Vijay was very happy. But he said that just when he wanted to move on from his trademark ‘anna’ trend to the new ‘bro’ system, I’m bringing him back to the old one,” laughs GV Prakash. 

But the composer convinced the actor to sing the song saying that let this be the last of your legendary ‘anna’ system.  Today almost every lips chant the song like a mantra.

Meanwhile, the film’s going for the censors shortly and is expected to release in the second week of August.

Jayam Ravi's eight day long bout

Jayam Ravi plays a heavy weight boxer and Trisha plays his girl friend and technical advisor in the upcoming action drama, Boologam directed by Kalyana Krishnan. Produced by Aascar films, a high intensity boxing scene, which also happens to be the climax of the film, is being planned to be shot at Prasad Studios.

The schedule will primarily involve Jayam Ravi and the Australian based Hollywood star and boxer, Nathan Jones. This shoot will happen between 3rd and 10th August at the massive set erected at the Prasad facilities and with that, the production will come to a closure, with just patch-up works and few other minor sequences pending.

Also starring Prakash Raj, Ponvannan and Kanja Karuppu, the film has scores by Srikanth Deva. Sathish Kumar is handling the camera and ace editor VT Vijayan is also working on the film.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

29 crores is the figure for Shruti Haasan

The past weekend was eventful for Shruti Haasan as two of her Bollywood films released on the same day. Both D-Day and Ramaiya Vastavaiya, directed by Nikhil Advani and Prabhu Deva respectively, have managed to keep the cash registers ringing. 
D-Day netted approximately 13.69 crores in the opening weekend following very positive reviews. Each day was progressively better at the ticket counters and the film has hopes of registering more at the box-office. Shruti's performance has also been lauded.
Ramaiya Vastavaiya netted 15.3 crores approx. thanks to a better opening compared to D-Day. Reviews haven't been great but the brand value associated with director Prabhu Deva and the hit music have enabled the movie to collect decently.
So it's close to 29 crores from both these films in the first 3 days and one must say, 'Not Bad Shruti'.